Block Party 2022 Review

Posted on March 15, 2022

Block Party 2022 Review

The 2022 Annual Halloween Party is held on 29th Street and is on a Monday this year. More info will follow and check the website too.

Our Christmas Party will take place on December 3rd at the Fireman’s Hall on 47th Terrace. This requires a ticket to attend. Tickets are limited so put this event on your calendar.

All of these upcoming events with more information as it gets closer will be on our website:

Our Membership Drive was a huge success this year. Lots of new members. We are sitting at 250 right now and I know there are some more that have come in. Thank you to all the volunteer Block Captains that work hard to keep our membership numbers rising which in turn equals a prettier neighborhood. Thank you Gayle Schwantes who heads this committee. She does a wonderful job. BTW, she is always needing more Block Captains. It only takes about 1 hour to walk 1 street a year. You can meet your new neighbors and lots of interesting people.

On a special note I want to thank Gayle Schwates for all her much needed help planning and executing the Block Party. She always jumps right in and knows what to do without having to ask. She has great ideas and our Block Party would not be what it is without her. Thank you Gayle.

Hope everyone has a wonderful summer which is right around the corner and we will talk to you this fall.

Karla Martinez and Gayle Schwantes
