Posted on June 28, 2021

My first note goes out to all my snow bird neighbors that have left. You are already missed. I am hoping that this fall the ones that have not come, due to their borders being closed since 2019, will return. I am glad that the Coronavirus is slowing down due to the vaccinations. Hopefully some normality will return and the day of the MASKS will disappear.

We have a huge turnover in our Cornwallis Neighborhood. Lots of new homeowners and renters. It is great to see all the new construction and renovations that are taking place.

I have been biking for the last 3 months and I have noticed all the wildlife in our Cornwallis Neighborhood. I thought the rabbits were gone but they are making a come back. The owls greet me with their eyes that follow you 180 degrees. The young owls even fly with me down SE 18th place. I enjoyed the poinciana tree that looked like it was on fire in the sunshine on SE 19th Place. Take time to see the beauty in our neighborhood.

I leave you with some of the pictures that I took while biking.

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