
Welcome to the Cornwallis Neighborhood Association (CNA) Website

This website is maintained by volunteer’s. If you would like to volunteer to write articles, review membership information, update and manage this website please let us know. You don’t have to be a computer wiz, just have some time to help, we can show you the rest.


Getting around this site is hopefully straightforward, if not, please let us know so we can make it easier. At the bottom of this page and all pages you will see a feedback link, you can provide your valuable input via this link and we’ll see what we can do to make it better. Please file these as website feedback using the feedback link which is also found at the bottom of every page.

The menu system

The menu system is found at the top of every page. You can quickly switch between topics by selecting (clicking) on one of these topics:

See below for some details about each of these …

Home Page

Here is where the important stuff lives. We will give you a bit of an overview and a few important messages. You can also jump right to the membership page to Signup!


Clicking on the News menu will take you to running list of news-worthy items. You are welcome to contribute to this area, simply send us what you want to post. This is not intended to be a community bulletin board, you can do that on Facebook or nextdoor Cornwallis

For Sale/Free

We can help you sell some items locally, just let us know what (and when you sell it or give it away) and one of our volunteers would be happy to post it here for you. Send it to with the word WEBSITE in the subject. We may build this into the site in the future, depends on how frequently we get requests.


This is a live public Google calendar. The CNA board and volunteers update this with all the important dates. You can also add this to your own Google calendar so you never miss an important date!


Here you can join or update your CNA membership


The Cape has some spectacular views and the Cornwallis neighborhood has some great sunsets, sunrises, and other photo-worthy sites. From time to time we’ll post them here so everyone can share. Feel free to contribute by sending a picture to so we can get it posted.

About Us

Information about the board, some of their thoughts on CNA. Check it out regularly as it will change. You can also see a list of CNA maintained documents here, let us know if there is something missing that you are looking for. Yep, use that feedback link at the bottom of the page …

‘nuff said, if you have others, share them with us at


And last but not least, please visit our sponsors and share with your friends. If a sponsor has a website, you can typically just click on their business card and whoosh, you are there. If not, you might find yourself ready to send an email after clicking. Try’em all, never know what it might do. They are supporting the CNA effort so if you can support them, fantastic.

Tips on getting around

Our website should work on whatever device you choose to use, be it your phone, tablet, or desktop. You might notice some differences in how things look depending on what device you are using, but it should all be there and work (if it doesn’t, please let us know, use the feedback link at the bottom of the page(s)). You can also bookmark any of these pages so you can get back to the important stuff later.