
Hello Neighbors,

I hope all of you are enjoying the summer season. It’s hard to believe we are already into August, with schools restarting and family vacations ending. We welcome the seasonal fun and sun summer brings to all of us here. We also hope our snowbird neighbors who departed us months ago are still enjoying themselves and we look forward to their rejoining us in the fall. We welcome all our new owners and renters with open arms to the prestigious Cornwallis Community. We encourage you to join and participate in the Cornwallis Neighborhood Association (CNA) if you haven’t already.

We are mindful that Hurricane Season is upon us and as such we remind all our residents to prepare and stock up accordingly. For our new owners and renters should you have questions on Hurricane readiness feel free to reach out and or access all the local, county and state websites containing this information.

On behalf of the Board, we thank all our members for their ongoing commitment, participation, and support! We continue to enjoy meeting, chatting, and getting to know all our neighbors. Most importantly, we thank you for your opinions, inputs, and suggestions towards enhancing CNA.

In line with the above, I am happy to report that our membership has now grown to an all-time high of 298 members with more still joining. For this milestone, we must thank all our Block Captains led by Gayle Schwantes for their tireless efforts to reach out and go door to door. If you would like to join, please visit our CNA website and you can complete the online Membership Form and pay (via Zelle). Alternatively, you can contact any of us and we can provide a membership form and collect your dues. We also thank you our members for your sense of pride, community friendship and involvement!

Regarding our website, I want to thank Alan and Michele Bolt for volunteering and taking over as our new leads on the IT, website/Webmaster team. In parallel, I also want to thank Fred Cassirer for his commitment and service to CNA regarding all our website and IT needs over the past few years. Fred and his wife Marcel have relocated to Fort Myers, and we wish them continued success, health, and happiness. We will miss you both and please stay in touch!

On another news front, our VP Sandra Wall is leading our Median Beautification Project. Sandra recently started discussions with the City Arborist relative to establishing a path forward with our community Median Project. As you can appreciate, the City has certain inputs, involvement/& approval protocols on what should and can be planted. The Arborist is being cooperative and supportive, but this will obviously take more time than originally expected. This said, Sandra is looking for volunteers to serve and participate on the Median Beautification team. Please strongly consider lending your support. Just reach out and let us know!

I want to again mention that the Board is looking for someone to fill our secretary position. Additionally, we are still in need of some more volunteers to join our IT/Website team. Please consider volunteering & stepping forward

We look forward to turning the corner to fall, our next CNA general meeting will be Tuesday, October 18, 2022 @7:15pm. Please refer to our website for upcoming events/details and other communications.

Again, if you have not done so already, and would like to join CNA, please sign up and pay your dues utilizing either the form included & Zelle link on our website. Remember membership is open to all residents of Cornwallis so if you are looking to make new friends or get involved and have fun, please join. Spread the word! Also, we do have CNA T- Shirts and Tote bags available for sale. Pease refer to the CNA Events schedule on the website for upcoming activities.

I look forward to meeting more of our members and seeing you at the upcoming meetings and events as well getting your constructive ideas.

I want to leave you with a parting thought. Volunteerism is the key element necessary to run CNA. Becoming a volunteer is easy, I am a volunteer as are all the Board members and current volunteers already serving. I thank all of you! With this in mind, we do need more people to volunteer time to serve on the board or committees such as the Beautification and Social Events/& Planning. To volunteer or buy a T-shirt or Tote bag, please reach out to any Board member by phone or feel to email us at

Please visit our website;

All the best,

Ron Jenoriki

CNA President